Monday, January 22, 2007

full dis-clothes-ure

Well, I managed to get myself into that play I auditioned for last week. So, when March exposes it's lovely, birthday-laden self on the calendar, I'll be performing in The Full Monty at the Lincoln Community Playhouse.

It might be a little nuts of me; the show will be quite a bit different from what I've done in the past. Somehow, my high school one-acts and the few musicals I've been in since haven't exactly required the balls that one might need for this show. Regardless, I'm looking forward to it. It'll give me something somewhat productive to do in the evenings (even if that is just making an ass of myself), and will hopefully provide me some new blood for my social circle.

In any case, I encourage people to come see it, if only to get some butts in the seats, but I will warn you in case you didn't know--I'm gonna be naked. So add that into your considerations.


Unknown said...

How naked is naked?

clay said...

Well...It is The Full Monty, after all... ;)