Wednesday, August 16, 2006

in the beginning

There sometimes comes a day when boredom and peer pressure together contrive to overwhelm a man's misgivings and force him to do something he would not have otherwise done. Thus, I have decided to start blogging again, mostly so I have something that seems at least creative (if not productive) to do in the evenings. I warn you now, however--it will most likely be boring and infrequently updated. That being said, read on, should you so desire.

This entry is mostly introductory, so I suppose I'll cover what I plan to put up here. In general, my life is rather boring, so I don't imagine the Internet needs any descriptions of that (plus, I'm rather uncertain I can come up with anything worth posting when considering my day-to-day activities). As such, I'm planning on posting more of the things I observe in the world and what I think about those things (after all, this blog is for you more than for me; I already know what I think about). So, anyway, if that sounds intriguing, check back later. I'll probably have some real content up eventually.

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