Monday, December 25, 2006


So, going home for Christmas netted (among other things) a "new" coffee mug so that I no longer have to get the silly little to-go cups at the Mill every morning. Of course, the translation of "new" in the previous sentence means I stole an electric company mug from my parents' cupboard. It was everything I could have hoped for...except that the little slider on the top was too loose and it would fall to close the hole every time the user attempts to drink.

This, however is a small obstacle. It is easily solved with glue, or maybe some other adhesive.

Like nails.
(from the top of the lid)

(from the bottom)

I do realize it's just a coffee mug. I can get another one (probably even steal a different one from home), but this one happened to meet all of my criteria, with the exception of the lid not working. But now the lid works, so now it's perfect.

Mostly, though, I'm bored and haven't posted in a while, so I thought I should reward you all with pictures. Text can be fairly monotonous.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

it's the little things

Just now, I discovered the remains of a Vincenzo's pizza I had left in the fridge at work on Friday.

It immediately made my life immeasurably better.